Wrongful Death Lawyer in Kalamazoo, MI

在任何情况下,失去所爱的人都是令人心碎的. 然而,当意外发生,并且是由于他人的疏忽或不当行为造成的,这是毁灭性的.

Wrongful Death Attorneys in Kalamazoo

No one should have to deal with the pain, suffering, and loss that comes from the death of a family member. Unfortunately, 有些情况是亲人无法预测或控制的, which may result in death.

Sometimes, 一个家庭成员只是在错误的时间出现在错误的地点, 导致因醉酒司机或罪犯造成的致命伤害. In this situation, 起诉过失死亡可以帮助保护你和那些幸存的家庭成员的需要. If you choose to file a wrongful death lawsuit at Keilen Law PLC, we would be honored to provide legal assistance to make the process easier for you.

Who Can File a Claim

A lawsuit may be brought against any entity, corporation, or individual responsible for the death of another.

Still, only certain people may receive compensation for this type of claim under Michigan’s Wrongful Death Act, including:

  • Spouse and children
  • Siblings
  • Children of the deceased person’s spouse
  • Parents and grandparents
  • Any beneficiary in the deceased person’s will

A wrongful death claim is a civil lawsuit, not a criminal case, 即使死亡已经成为国家刑事指控的焦点,也可能被提起诉讼.

Statute of Limitations

提出索赔是时间敏感的,需要特别注意细节, due to the complexity of these cases. The wrongful death statute of limitations in Michigan is three years, 你必须证明,如果不是因为别人的作为或不作为,你所爱的人还会活着.


  • Future lost wages
  • Costs related to damaged property
  • Reasonable medical, hospital and burial expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • 失去照顾,包括与死者关系的无形利益

Under Michigan law, medical, hospital, funeral, 丧葬费用必须从奖金中支付. 剩余的资金将在死者遗嘱中指定的受益人之间分配.

What Is Wrongful Death?

家庭成员的死亡是故意造成的或由于疏忽造成的, that’s called wrongful death. Unfortunate accidents at work can indeed happen, 但是,如果企业主知道某些设备是危险的,却没有警告员工或采取措施保护他们呢? In that case, courts see the accident as wrongful death because it could have been prevented.

There are many situations where filing a wrongful death lawsuit is both appropriate and wise:

  • 车祸由醉酒或粗心的司机引起的车祸
  • Public shooting
  • Hit and run
  • Death resulting from criminal attack
  • Negligent work accident
  • Medical malpractice

每当所爱的人受到应有资格获得赔偿的伤害并因此而死亡时, family members can file a wrongful death claim. Under Michigan’s Wrongful Death Act, a spouse, children, siblings, parents, grandparents, and beneficiaries can bring a lawsuit.

Wrongful Death Attorney

在凯琳法律有限公司,客户端对意外死亡索赔有着丰富的经验. 客户端可以处理好一切,所以你不必担心. 这包括花时间了解你的情况和你家人的需求. 客户端可以为您提起诉讼,为您准备案件,收集所需证据,并在法庭上代表您.


  • Loss of financial support
  • Medical expenses
  • Funeral expenses
  • Loss of services
  • Loss of inheritance prospects
  • Loss of parental guidance
  • Pain and suffering


联系过失死亡律师很重要的一个原因是,密歇根州的索赔程序很复杂. Making mistakes is costly. At the same time, 立即提起诉讼可以帮助你支付费用,并确保你现在和将来的需求得到保护. This can give you a measure of peace of mind.


如果您不确定下一步该怎么做,请立即与凯琳法律有限公司的团队联系. 过失死亡律师可以耐心地解释你的选择,并提供你可以信任的建议. 客户端的目标是帮助你得到你应得的补偿,同时确保你不需要处理任何不舒服的细节.

Contact us online or call (269) 382-4818 right away for assistance. We’re happy to answer any questions.

我的职业是理财规划师和财富管理者, I come in contact and work with lawyers constantly. 我想让你知道亚当·凯伦和你见过的其他律师都不一样. His initial consultations are complimentary. 他会花时间去了解你,了解你的期望、目标和目的. 这也给了你了解他的机会. When you spend time with Adam, 你可以看出,他真的很感兴趣,愿意为你提供最好的照顾和服务. He gives you an accurate quote, 他给你的建议和建议与你所要求的完全相关,而不会回避任何问题. He makes sure that nothing is exposed, 当涉及到你的遗产被完美地规划时,一切都得到了照顾. Adam created my LLC, and my family trust. 每当我对任何事情有疑问时,我都能获得亚当和他的专业知识. 他迅速而准确地回答了我的问题,他也同样迅速地完成了客户端的信任. 我会向任何有兴趣确保他们的遗产井然有序的人推荐Keilen Law的Adam Keilen, 任何人不希望他们的遗产通过遗嘱认证法庭, 以及任何需要为自己的小企业创建有限责任公司的人. He truly is the best of the best.

— Tiffany A. Welka, Vice President at VFG Associates, LLC